The Engineering Newsletter

5. Graduate Students

  5. Graduate Students

Over the past two years, the Faculty has increased graduate student enrolment and further expanded its innovative graduate programming. These initiatives will foster the next generation of leaders in engineering research and technical innovation, who will help ensure the future economic prosperity of our province and nation.

The Faculty’s MEng professional master’s program has received considerable attention and both its enrolment and its curriculum have grown quickly. In 2007, the Faculty launched a graduate certificate, as part of the MEng, for engineers interested in pursuing higher-level leadership roles in their profession. The first of its kind in Canada, this certificate in Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Innovation and Technology in Engineering (MEng/ELITE) grew in enrolment by 140% in the past year.

In addition to the MEng/ELITE, the Faculty created a MEng graduate certificate in Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) in 2009, in collaboration with the U of T School of Public Policy and Governance.

The Prospective Professors in Training (PPIT) program, offered by the Faculty since 2006, prepares future faculty for the rigors of academia, deepens the academic environment, and enriches the experience of our graduate students.

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