
Message from Dean, Cristina Amon

This issue focuses on the revitalization of our curriculum and changes approved last week by Faculty Council. These initiatives are part of our ongoing effort to provide a forward-looking education to the next generation of engineers and to foster the multi-disciplinarity of Engineering education, research and practice. Challenges facing contemporary society require an approach to problem-solving, critical thinking and education that spans disciplinary boundaries. Engineers will lead in achieving breakthroughs that impact upon global issues such as finding environmentally sustainable sources of energy to meet the needs of an expanding population. The unique learning opportunities provided by our curriculum, as illustrated by the minor programs in Sustainable Energy and in Environmental Engineering being introduced in 2009, will help equip our graduates to provide this leadership.

These two new minors are the culmination of over a year of intense work led by Bryan Karney, Chair of the Division of Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems, to whom I express my appreciation. Curriculum revision is, indeed, a lengthy process, requiring broad consultation to ensure that needs and interests are addressed without compromising our high standards and the requirements of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. I also extend my thanks to Professor Frank Kschischang, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, the Committee members, our Registrar, Barbara McCann, and the many other Faculty members involved for their work in developing and presenting the curricular changes approved last week.

December 6th will mark the 19th anniversary of the tragedy at the École Polytechnique in Montréal in which 14 women Engineering students were killed. This appalling act of violence was neither random nor impulsive. The victims were selected because they were women and because they were Engineering students. We must honour these women by continuing to remember them each year at this time. And, we must also use this sad anniversary as a reminder of the importance of our efforts to provide an equitable, respectful and open community in which to pursue the discipline of Engineering. The anniversary will be observed on all U of T campuses. A special memorial gathering will take place at Hart House on Friday, December 5 at 12:00 p.m. (see events listings) on the St. George campus.


Cristina Amon



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